Old AR Recovery Services
Every medical practitioner needs robust accounts receivable management to transform its business. Realizing the net receivables to their fullest is a challenge for every healthcare firm. Outstanding claims, delayed reimbursements, incorrect billing and coding, and increased paperwork are a few of the problems that put a lot of pressure on a thriving healthcare firm. Unless specific and consistent Old AR solutions are initiated, the medical practitioner will have an increasing and substantial backlog of accounts receivables amounting to more than 180 days, leading to a skewed revenue cycle.
This makes the accounts receivables recovery service an integral and all-important function of revenue cycle management. Old accounts receivable is a dedicated process where an unwanted and escalating number of AR days and denials can be checked.
Old A/R recovery management makes sure the claims get promptly processed and the patients pay the charges due. On average, 25% of the patient services remain unpaid and around 40% of claims are denied or not resubmitted, plaguing the financial health and hindering the objectives of the healthcare firm. This results in an almost 10% reduction in overall revenue inflow. Outsourcing medical accounts receivable management services to experienced professionals provides the healthcare firm with scalable benefits, driving business growth and strategic initiatives.
Kaiser is among the leading healthcare revenue management service providers, focused on delivering customer-centric and results-oriented accounts receivables recovery service. Our highly-trained team of professionals ensures authenticated and proven old A/R recovery solutions that are highly effective in increasing recoveries, even those that were earlier passed off as bad debts.
Kaiser scalable solutions ensures you have dependable cash inflow, minimizing late payments and avoiding bad debts wherever possible. Our services approach takes care of the complete needs of the medical firms, providing end-to-end support.
The working process at Kaiser is well-defined through our years of experience. Our dedicated specialists prioritize each unresolved claim after a systematic, thorough evaluation. Any errors are then re-coded and re-billed, eliminating further chances of claim rejection. The team then directly interacts with the patients, explaining and clearing any doubts whatsoever, to avoid any discomfort.
Kaiser simple, secure, and stream-lined solutions guide you through the complex process of reducing bad-debts.

Our services offer several benefits :
Kaiser can help scale up your medical practice’s performance, guaranteeing you stay at thrst-class services, reach us with your requirements.